Posts by: robinlee

Take Me Out to the Faith Night

Take Me Out to the Faith Night

  More than half of MLB teams offer an annual post-game program with worship and testimony from Christian players. At.

How to heal back pain with a few simple tips.

How to heal back pain with a few simple tips.

  How to Deal With Back Pain: Whatever you do, don’t despair. Notes Scott Kinkade, M.D., an assistant professor of.



We never sell your information! Save on prescriptions with GlicRx! The spiraling cost of prescription drugs is a major concern.

Why You should consider travel health insurance

Why You should consider travel health insurance

Many folks do not realize that their current health plans often stop at the border. When taking a cruise for.

A Small Number of Drugs Account for a Large Share of Medicare Part D Spending

A Small Number of Drugs Account for a Large Share of Medicare Part D Spending

The gross Medicare drug spending on the top 10 Part D drugs in 2021 was $48 billion. Eliquis, a blood.

Did you know?… June is Migraine and Headache Awareness Month

Did you know?… June is Migraine and Headache Awareness Month

Primary headaches occur independently and are not caused by another medical condition. A cascade of events that affect blood vessels and nerves.