What Does AHIP Certified Mean?


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In order to sell Medicare Advantage plans during the Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), agents must complete annual Medicare and Fraud, Waste, and Abuse (FWA) training that is compliant with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). Insurers require this training to ensure their agents are aware of and understand the latest CMS guidelines and regulations.

In the Medicare industry, being AHIP certified means that someone has completed AHIP’s Medicare and FWA training, knows and understands all CMS rules for selling Medicare Advantage and Part D plans, and is qualified to sell these plans for the current and/or upcoming plan year.

At RLee, we are all focused on staying compliant and always following the Medicare guidelines for proper selling and explaining Medicare Advantage and Part D drug cards. We also take certifications with each company on an individual company basis to follow their guidelines for proper selling of their products. When you call us, rest assured, we are prepared to help during this year’s coming “Annual Enrollment Period” AEP, as well as throughout the year.

There is more to picking out the right plan for you than just looking at the “Extra no-medical benefits”, do all your doctors accept the plan, how well does it cover your current medications, what is will my deductibles, co-pays, and max-out-of-pocket amounts be? Many folks are not aware of just how affordable a Medicare supplement can be in their area, and how they might benefit from having one over a Medicare advantage. Get a free quote and even enroll if you wish in our site here, or give us a call for a free one on one consultation. Remember it does not cost you anything to have an experienced agent looking out for your behalf.

Robin Lee

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